Image credits: Google
Table of Contents :clipboard:
- Hackathons and Events
- Student Benefits and Programs
- Open Source Programs
- Startup Programs and Incubators
- Internship Portals
- Developer Clubs and Meetups
- Conferences for students
- Top People to Follow
- Top Websites to Follow
- Additional Links
- Contributors
1. Coding Resources :pencil:
1.1 Python :snake:
- Learn Python - CodeAcademy
- Progate Python Classes - Good for absolute beginners
- Video Tutorial for absolute beginners - YouTube
- Intro to Python - Udacity - Free course
- Google Python class
- Python For Everybody
- Write Better Python Functions
- Learning Python: From Zero to Hero
- Automate the Boring Stuff with Python - Great for learning automation and learning the basics of Python
- The New Boston Python - Youtube - Great python resource for learning python quickly and efficiently
- Think Python 2e - green tea press
- A Byte of Python
- Project Euler - Great for practicing writing python codes
- A Whirlwind Tour of Python
- Python Data Science Handbook
- Python 3 Tutorial - Solo Learn
- Real Python
1.2 Machine Learning :robot:
Browse this link for detailed information on Machine Learning and Deep Learning
- Best Online Courses
- CSE-229 - Stanford University
- Udacity Machine Learning Nanodegree PAID NANODEGREE
- Reinforcement Learning - Nanodegree PAID NANODEGREE
- Move 37 - FREE
- ML with Python - YouTube
- Data Science Machine Learning Bootcamp - PAID
- Google’s Machine Learning Crash Course
- Applied Data Science with Python Specialization PAID FOR CERTIFICATION AND ALL CONTENTS
- Best GitHub Repositories to follow
- Research Papers
- Test ML Models on Datasets
1.3 Deep Learning
Browse this link for detailed information on Machine Learning and Deep Learning
- Best Online Courses
- Best GitHub Repositories to follow
1.4 Android Development:
- For Beginners
- Udacity - Free courses & Nanodegree
- PluralSight - Android Developer Track [FREE for 60 days]
- Path to Associate Android Developer
- Android examples
- Flutter Examples
- Codelabs
- Flutter Widget Tour
1.5 Backend Development :computer:
- Django - Python
[Try Django YouTube]( - Best for beginners - Django Docs
- Django Girls
- MDN Web Docs Good for beginners
- SimpleIsBetterThanComplex Blog
- Tango With Django Book
- Flask - Python
- The Flask Mega Tutorial - *Beginner / Intermediate**
- Node.JS
[The Complete Node.js Developer Course UDEMY]( – PAID - Express web framework (Node.js/JavaScript)
- Learn and Understand NodeJS - PAID Intermediate level
- Video Tutorials-Node.js - Good for beginners
- Node.js Documentation - recommended for everyone
- Node.js Design Patterns by Mario Casciaro - Book Advanced level
- Node.js Best Practices
- Ruby
- Ruby on Rails Tutorial
- Learn Ruby The Hard Way
- Codecademy - Familiarity with Ruby before Rails
MongoDB -Tutorial for Beginner -Free Courses and Paid Private training
- Software architecture -Microservices by Chris Richardson
1.6 Frontend Web Development :computer:
Frontend Masters – PAID
- HTML5 and CSS3
- HTML and CSS Good for beginners
- Intro to HTML and CSS
- HTML5 and CSS3
- Flexbox Interactive
- freeCodeCamp
- Codecademy
- Interneting is Hard
- HTML MDN Web Docs
- CSS MDN Web Docs
- Codrops CSS Reference
- The Odin Project
- HTML Dog Tutorials
- 30 Seconds of CSS
- CSS-The Complete Guide (incl. Flexbox, Grid & Sass) (Udemy Paid) Good for beginners
- Advanced CSS and SASS - (Udemy Paid)
- JavaScript
- JS MDN Web Docs
- javascript info
[Javascript30 Wes Bos]( - Intro to JavaScript
- JavaScript Docs and Live examples
- JavaScript: The Good Parts by Douglas Crockford recommended LINK TO AMAZON
- You Don’t Know JS (book series) recommended for everyone
- Eloquent JavaScript Online
- JavaScript Design Patterns
- Theodinproject
- freeCodeCamp
- HTML Dog
- Javascript Tutorial for Beginner Complete Course 2018
- 33 JS concepts every JavaScript developer should know
- JavaScript Frameworks
###### Angular- Angular 7 - The Complete Guide by Maximilian Schwarzmüller - (Udemy Paid)
- The Complete Angular Course: Beginner to Advanced by Mosh Hamedani - (Udemy Paid)
- Angular Expo - Beautiful showcase of websites, applications and experiments using Angular
- Made With Angular - Gallery of inspiring websites using Angular/AngularJS
###### React.js
- Video Tutorials - Beginner to Intermediate
- Video YouTube Tutorials - React & Redux
- ReactJS Tutorial codecademy Interactive
- FreeCodeCamp Articles
- Few Projects for every React Dev
- Famous GitHub Repos
[PAID but Worth it UDEMY]( – PAID - Original Docs
[The Road to React Book]( -
[React For Beginners Wes Bos]( – PAID -
[Advanced React Wes Bos]( – PAID -
[React Fundamentals Tyler McGinnis]( – PAID - Drag and Drop in React
- Redux.js
- Video Tutorials - Beginner
- Redux docs Recommended for everyone
- Getting Started with Redux
- Building React Applications with Idiomatic Redux
- React Redux Tutorial
- Full-Stack Redux Tutorial
- freeCodeCamp
[Redux Tyler McGinnis]( – PAID
- Vue.js
- Vue School – Free + Paid
- Scrimba
- Vue Cookbook
- Web Accessibility
- Accessibility MDN Web Docs
- Web Accessibility Tutorials
- Full-Stack Web Accessibility Guidelines - A Video Tutorial on Web Accessibility for Impaired Users
- WebAim Web Accessibility Resources and Tools
- Web Accessibility Checklist - The A11Y Project
[ARIA - Accessibility MDN](
- Frontend DevTools
###### Package managers
[NPM YouTube]( -
[Yarn YouTube]( - npx
###### Bundlers
- Webpack - The most used bundler
[Webpack YouTube]( - Parcel - The predicted webpack killer
- Browserify - The first bundler
- Rollup
1.7 Data Structures :chart_with_upwards_trend:
- Online Platforms
- CodeChef - CodeChef competitive programming site
- Codeforces - Great site for preparing for programming contests
- GeeksforGeeks - Must do coding questions for product based companies
- Hackerearth - Code Monk to start with programming - programming fundamentals
- Hackerrank - Interview preparation kit
- InterviewBit - Best platform to get prepared for Data Structures based interviews
- LeetCode - Platform to prepare for technical interviews with real interview questions
- Sphere Online Judge - Great head start for learning Data Structures
- UVa Online Judge - The site to submit Competitive Programming 3 data structures problems
- Codewars - Interesting ranking system with beautiful UI for competitive programming and interview prep.
- CodinGame - Competitive programming with game like challenges
- CS50 on HarvardX - One of the best computer science courses available online PAID FOR CERTIFICATION
- Codility - Develop your coding skills with lessons ot take part in challenges
- Books
- Competitive Programming by Felix Halim and Steven Halim
- The Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Programming Contests
- Goto book for competitive programming enthusiasts.
- CLRS - Holy Bible for Design and Analysis of algorithms
- Algorithm Design by Kleinberg Tardos - Another goto book for easy to understand algorithm design and analysis
- Coding Interview University - Github - Strongly recommended to learn DS and Computer Science fundamentals
- Algo & DS in different languages - Algorithm and Data Structure in different programming languages
- Clean code - Clean Code: A Handbook of Agile Software Craftsmanship LINK TO AMAZON
- Domain Driven Design - Domain-Driven Design: Tackling Complexity in the Heart of Software 1st Edition LINK TO AMAZON
1.8 Alexa Tutorials
- CodeAcademy
- Amazon
- Udemy (PAID)
- YouTube
- PluralSight 10 DAY FREE TRIAL
- Qwiklabs
1.9 C Language
- Tutorials Point
- HackerRank
- JavaTPoint
- Programiz
- Fresh2Refresh
- Study Tonight
- Learn C
- Randu
- W3Schools
- C-Geeks for Geeks
- Learning to Program in C by Jonathan Engelsma
1.10 C++ Language
## 1.11 Git and Github :octocat:
- Git Tutorials
- How to use Git and Github
- Version Control with Git
- Introduction to Git and Github
- Pro Git Book
1.12 R Language
- RStudio
- Kaggle Kernels
- R-Bloggers
- Introduction to Data Science by Rafael A. Irizarry
- R for Data Science by Garrett Grolemund and Hadley Wickham
1.13 Haskell
1.14 MongoDB
1.15 Prolog
1.16 C# Language
- LearnCS
- TutorialsPoint
2. Hackathons and Events
2.1 :rainbow: Top Global Hackathons
|Id |Name | Place| Travel Reimbursement |Application Start | Application End | |–|—— |—|—| —— | —-| |1| Smart India Hackathon| India| Yes| April |Check website | |2 | HacktheNorth| Canada| Yes|Mid Sept | July end | |3 | HackMIT | USA | Yes|Mid Sept | July end | |4 | Microsoft Imagine Cup | Online & Onsite | Yes | - | - | |4 | PennApps|USA | Yes| Mid Sept | July end | |5 | UltraHack|Regional and Global | Yes| - | - | |6 | Facebook Hackathon | Online | NA | - | - | |7 | TechCrunch Disrupt | USA | Top Teams | - | - | |8 | HackZurich | Zurich, Switzerland | Yes | Check Website | - | |9 | JP Morgan Code for Good | New York & London|Yes | - | - | |10 | HackDuke | USA | - | - | - | |11 | HackNY | USA | Yes | - | - | |12 | HackPrinceton|USA | - | - | - | |13 | nwHacks| Canada | - | - | - | |14 | MHacks |USA | - | - | - | |15 | HackDavis|USA | - | - | - | |16 | QHacks | USA | - | - | - | |17 | Hackinit | China | - | - | - | |18 | HackUCI | USA | - | - | - | |19 | Conuhacks | Canada | - | - | - | |20 | McHacks | USA| - | - | - | |21 | Y Combinator Hacks | USA | - | - | - | |22 | TreeHacks | USA | - | - | - | |23 | Global Hackathon Seoul | South Korea | YES | - | - | |24 | Call for Code | Online | - | - | - | |25 | Mercari Euro Hack | Online + Onsite (Poland) | Yes | Mid October |- | |26 | InOut | Onsite (India) | Yes | October | - | |27 | HackIIITD | Onsite (India) | No | August-September | - | |28 | HackDTU | Onsite (India) | No | - | - | |29 | HashHacks | Onsite (India) | No | Mid Oct | - | |30 | Hack Western | Onsite (Western University) | Yes (on a case by case basis) | Nov End | Mid Oct | |31 | YHack | Onsite (Yale University) | Yes | Nov End | - | |32 | IOT for Smart Life-REVA University | Onsite (Reva University) | October (Idea Submission) | Nov End | - | |33 | Capgemini Tech Challenge | Online + Onsite (India) | - | September-October | - | |34 | HackISU| USA | No | October | - | |35 | UHack 3.0| New Delhi, India | - | October 26th| - | |36 | Kent Hack Enough | Kent State University, USA | Yes | Early October | - | |37 | Junction | Espoo, Finland | Yes | August | October | |38 | Hack In The North| Allahabad, India | - | - | March | |39 | HackNC | USA | Yes (on a case by case basis) | Check website | Week before event | |40 | Djangothon 2018 | Bengaluru, India | - | - | - | |41 | Megathon | India | No | Early September | September End ———————————————————-
2.2 Competitions :bomb:
ID | Name | Location |
1 | Accenture Innovation Challenge | Online & Onsite |
2 | ACM - ICPC | Online & On-Site |
3 | CodersBit | Online |
4 | Facebook Hacker Cup | Online |
5 | Code Gladiators | Online & Onsite |
6 | E-Yantra | Online & Onsite |
7 | Red Bull Basement University | - |
8 | Shell Ideas360 | Online & Onsite |
9 | Sony World Photography Awards – Youth Award | Online |
10 | Doodle 4 Google | Online |
11 | UN - Volunteer | - |
12 | India Innovation Challenge - IICDC | Online & Onsite |
13 | Quest Ingenium | - |
14 | ROBOCON | Onsite |
15 | ASME HVPC - Humans Powered Vehicle Challenge | Onsite |
16 | Red Bull Basement University | Online & Onsite |
17 | Tech Challenge | Online |
18 | SnackDown | Online |
19 | Google Code Jam | Online |
20 | Google Hash Code | Online |
21 | Kaggle Competitions | Online |
22 | Breakthrough Junior Challenge | Online |
23 | Russian AI Cup | - |
24 | [Hackshetra] ( | Onsite |
25 | Catalyst Coding Contest (CCC) | Online & Onsite |
26 | CodeVita | Online & Onsite |
2.3 Hackathon Search Portals :dart:
|| Name | Location | Category | |—| —— |—| — | |1| HackSociety| INDIA| ALL | |2| DevPost | Online & On-site | ALL | |3| HackerEarth | Online & On-site | ALL | |4| | GLOBAL | ALL | |5| TechGIG| Online & On-Site |ALL | |6| Analytical Vidya | Online & On-Site | Data Science | | |7| [Online & On-site | GLOBAL | ALL |
2.4 Events :heart_eyes:
Check out these events for your region
- Google Developer Day - Organized by GDG
- Google IO extended - Organized by GDG
- Google Solve for India
- Paytm Build for India Workshops [ Delhi, Bangalore ]
- NVIDIA Developer Connect [ Global ]
- AWS meetups [ Global ]
- Hacktoberfest OpenSource meetups 6th October 2018 , Bengaluru
- Hacktoberfest OpenSource meetups 6th October 2018 , Hsinchu
- Hacktoberfest OpenSource meetups 10th October 2018 , New York
- Hacktoberfest OpenSource meetups 12th October 2018 , FrankFurt
- BrazilJS Conference August, RS, Brazil
- Connect.Tech 17-19 October 2018, Atlanta, GA
2.5 Startup Summits, Competitions and Bootcamps :neckbeard:
ID | Name | Location |
1 | Eureka - IITB | Mumbai, INDIA |
2 | MIT - Entrepreneurship Bootcamp | Online & USA |
3 | Startup Grind Global Conference | Redwood City, California |
4 | Next Gen Summit | New York |
5 | Y Combinator’s Startup School | Online |
6 | School of AI | Rome, Italy |
7 | European Innovation Academy | Portugal, China |
8 | Startup Weekend - DTU | Delhi, India |
9 | Watson School Incubator | USA |
10 | DevMountain | UT, AZ, TX |
11 | Product School | Online, USA, & Toronto |
12 | HackerYou | Toronto |
13 | BrainStation | Online, USA, & Canada |
14 | Lighthouse Labs | Canada |
15 | RED Academy | Canada |
16 | Flatiron School | Online, USA |
2.6 Hiring Challenges :heart:
ID | Name | Location |
1 | Google Kickstart | Online |
2 | CodeAgon- Codenation Hiring Challenge | Online |
3 | Codhers- Adobe Hiring Challenge | Online |
4 | CodeUrWay- Visa Hiring Challenge | Online |
3. Student Benefits and Programs :fire:
Campus Ambassador Programs :v:
- Microsoft Student Partner - Application Deadline - August
- Github Campus Expert
- College Representative - E-Cell IITB
[Internshala Student Partner - ISP]( - Progate Student Ambassador
- ISB - YLP Campus Ambassador Program
- GeeksforGeeks Campus Ambassador
- HackerEarth Campus Ambassador
- HackerRank Campus Ambassador
- Interviewbit Campus Ambassador
- Dell Campassadors Program
- Intel Ambassador Program
- Codechef Campus Ambassador
Student Benefits and Packs :v:
- GitHub Student Developer Pack - Free Resources for Students
- Visual Studio Essentials - Access to Microsoft Premium Services
- JetBrains Students pack
- AWS Educate
- Azure Students
- Google Cloud
- Intel Developer pack
[Google Reskilling India Program Pluralsight]( -
[Free .tech domain for 1 year dot tech Domains]( -
[Free Web Hosting for 1 year Znetlive]( - Bitbucket Education
Student Fellowship Programs :v:
- University Innovation Fellowship - Stanford University
- Teach for India Fellowship
- Young India Fellowship
- Urban Leaders Fellowship
- Facebook fellowship Program - Only For PHD Scholars
- Legislative Assistants to Members of Parliament (LAMP) Fellowship
- Prime Minister’s Rural Fellowship
- Azim Premji Foundation Fellowship Program
- Stanford-ABC News Global Health and Media Fellowship
- NSF Graduate Research Fellows, Graduate Research Opportunities Worldwide (GROW)
- Acumen Regional Fellows India
- Ramanujan Fellowship - Only for Scientists
- Rajiv Gandhi National Fellowship - For SC/ST candidates pursuing post graduations
- Gandhi Fellowship - UG/PG Students
- Ratan Tata Post doctoral Fellowship - Only For PHD Scholars
- President Abdul Kalam Azad Postgraduate Fellowship - Graduate Students
- Venkat Pachpakesan Memorial Scholarship
- Young Leaders For Active Citizenship
- Helium Grant Fellowship
- HackNY Fellows Program
- Coding it Forward - Civic Digital Fellowship
Scholarships :runner:
- Pytorch Scholarship Challenge - Udacity Application Deadline - October 23rd 9:30PM PST
- Grants, Awards AND Opportunities For Indian/Canadian Scholars
- Facebook Developer Circle Scholarship Program - DataScience/Frontend Dev
- Coding Bootcamp Scholarships - Course Report
4. Open Source Programs :octocat:
For more detailed information about the GSOC Organization - Click Here
For more detailed Information about the GSOC participation - Click Here
Name | Stipend |
Season of KDE | No |
Mozilla Winter of Security | No |
Outreachy | Yes |
RGSOC | Yes |
TOR Summer of Privacy | Yes |
GSOC | Yes |
SOCIS | Yes (For students enrolled in ESA member states only) |
OpenDaylight summer internship Programme | Yes |
The X.Org Endless Vacation of Code (EVoC) | Yes |
DataONE Summer Internship Programme | Yes* |
Free Software Foundation Internship | No |
Radare Summer of Code | Yes |
Summer of Haskell | Yes |
OPNFV- Linux Foundation | Yes |
Open Mainframe Project - Linux Foundation | Yes |
Processing Foundation Fellowship | Yes |
Segment Open Fellowship | Yes |
RARE Technologies Student Incubator Programme | Yes |
Open Summer of Code | Yes** |
FOSSASIA Internship Programme | No |
Hyperledger Internship Program | Yes |
Snowplow | Yes |
DataOne | Yes |
ERPNext Summer of Code | Yes |
Redox Summer Of Code | Yes |
John Hunter Matplotlib Summer Fellowship | Yes |
GNOME Internship Program | Yes |
Igalia Coding Experience Program | Yes |
*Interns must be currently enrolled or employed at a U.S. university or other research institution and must currently reside in, and be eligible to work in, the United States.
** OSoC is only open to Belgian students.
Open Source Competitions
Name | Awards |
GCI | Prizes for winners |
Bountiful Open Source Summer- BOSS | Prizes for winners* |
FOSSASIA Codeheat | Prizes for winners |
Data Driven Competitions | Cash prizes for winners |
Quantopian Open | Cash prizes for winners |
Hacktoberfest | Swag rewards |
Halite AI Bot Challenge | Swag rewards for winners |
OSS World Challenge | Prizes for winners** |
ACM MM Open Source Software Competition | Prize for winners |
Girlscript Summer of Code | Prizes, swag rewards and internship opportunities for winners |
*Indian Students Only
** OSS World Challenge has temporarily stopped accepting international applications.
5. Startup Programs and Incubators :mag_right:
Id | Name | Organization |
1 | Amity Innovation Incubator | Amity University |
2 | Atal Incubation Centre | Government |
3 | Google LaunchPad Accelerator | |
4 | Startup Village | SV.CO |
5 | T HUB | - |
6 | Atal Innovation challenge | NITI, AYOG |
7 | Global Entrepreneurship Bootcamp | Malaysia |
6. Internship Portals :smile:
- Angel List
- Internshala
- Vettery
- Contact HRs on LinkedIn
- Hackkar
- LetsIntern
- Intern Supply
### Tips for Internship:
- For summer internship, start looking at least 3-4 months in advance.
7. Developer Clubs and Meetups
Take a moment to search for these clubs on Google and Facebook in your city.
Check ** for more events in your locality**
- Google Developer Group
- Mozilla Open Source Community
- Mozilla Campus Clubs
- Facebook Developer Circle
- Women Tech Makers
- Women Who Code
- Women In Tech
- Developers Student Club by Google
- Microsoft Student Technical Community
- Paytm Build for India [ Only in Delhi and Bangalore]
- Python Student Community - PyDelhi
- Toastmaster International
- Swift Users Group
- MUG - MongoDB User Group
- Forloop Africa
- Women in Tech (Finland)
- HelsinkiJS
- 100 Days of Code
- Nerdzão Brazil
8. Conferences :bookmark_tabs:
Tech, Entrepreneurship Events and Conferences
Id | Name | Place | Travel Reimbursement | Timeline | Deadline | Type | |
1 | PyCon US-Python Conference USA | USA | NO | May1 | May9 | Python | |
2 | ODSC | GLOBAL | NO | Aug30 | Sep2 | AI | |
3 | World Business Dialogue | GLOBAL | Yes | Feb18 | Feb22 | Business | |
4 | Business Today Conference | New York | Yes | Nov18 | Nov20 | Business | |
5 | Asia Pacific Week | Australia | Partial | June24 | June29 | - | |
6 | DotJS | France | - | Nov9 | Nov9 | JS | |
7 | PyCon | France | - | October4 | October7 | Python | |
8 | React Europe | France | - | May 21 - 24 | - | JS | |
9 | Dublin Web Summit | Dublin | No | Nov 5 | Nov 8 | Web | |
10 | Harvard Project for Asian and International Relations | Malaysia | Yes | Aug 16 | Aug 20 | - | |
11 | Grace Hopper Conference and Fellowship | USA | Yes | Nov 14 | Nov 16 | - | |
12 | MIT Global Startup Workshop | USA | - | March 26 | March 28 | - | |
13 | Thiel Summit | USA | - | - | - | - | |
14 | Stanford E-Bootcamp | USA | - | - | - | - | |
15 | Clinton Global Initiative University | USA | - | March to Oct (varies every year) | 3 days | - | |
16 | South American Business Forum | Argentina | Partial | Aug 3 | Aug 5 | Business | |
17 | Capital One Summit for Developing Leaders | Virginia | Yes | Jan 6 | Jan 11 | - | |
18 | KPMG Future Diversity Leaders | California | Yes | Summer | - | - | |
19 | Microsoft Tech Summit | Global | No | - | - | - | |
20 | Tech in Asia Bangalore | India | - | - | - | - | |
21 | SURGE | India | - | Nov | - | - | - |
22 | Amazon Web Services Global Summit 2017 | India | No | Differs with area | Check the website | - | |
23 | TechCrunch Disrupt | USA | No | Sep 5 | Sep 7 | - | |
24 | Tie Global Summit | New Delhi, India | No | Nov 29 | Nov 30 | - | |
25 | Pioneer Application | Global | Yes | - | - | - | |
26 | Student Leadership conference | USA | Yes | Aug 31 | Aug 31 | - | |
27 | Hackference India | India | No | Nov | Mid Dec | - | |
28 | JAMstack conf | USA | No | Oct 29 - 30 | Oct 29 | - | |
29 | Blend Web Mix | France | - | Oct 24 - 25 | Web | ||
30 | JS Mobile Conf | USA | - | Oct 25 - 26 | - | JS | |
31 | CascadiaJS | USA | - | Nov 15 - 16 | - | JS | |
32 | The Rich Web Experience | USA | - | Dec 2 - 5 | - | - | |
33 | JS Kongress | Munich | - | March 11 - 12 | - | JS | |
34 | JSConf US | USA | - | Aug 21 - 23 | - | JS | |
35 | Fluent | USA | - | Jun 11 - 14 | - | - | |
36 | dotJS | France | - | Nov 9 | - | JS | |
37 | ViewSource | London | - | Oct 26 | - | Web | |
38 | SmashingConf NY | USA | No | Oct 23 | Oct 24 | - | |
39 | Hackference India | India | No | Nov | Mid Dec | - | |
40 | Midwest JS | USA | - | Aug 8 - 10 | - | JS | |
41 | HolyJS | Moscow | - | Nov 24 - 25 | - | JS | |
42 | SIGGRAPH | Global | - | Jul 29 - Aug 1 | - | - | |
43 | SIGGRAPH Asia | Tokyo | - | Dec 4 - 7 | - | - | |
44 | TechTO | Toronto | - | Reoccurring monthly | - | Business |
9. Top People to Follow
|Id | Name | Category| |–|—— |—| |1 |Prof. Andrew NG | AI & ML | |2 |Vincent Boucher | AI & ML | |3 |Tarry Singh | AI & ML | |4 |Paul Graham | Startup Expert, Founder of Y-Combinator | |5 |Valeri Karpov | MEAN stack expert | |6 |Yann LeCun | VP & Chief AI Scientist at Facebook | |7 |Martin Fowler | Software developer | |8 |Uncle Bob Martin | Software developer | |9 |Kyle Simpson | Author of YDKJS | |10|Richard Stallman | Founder of the GNU Project | |11 |Jen Simmons | CSS expert, creator of Firefox Grid Inspector. | |12 |Mike Cohn | Scrum and Agile advocate, one of the founders of the Scrum Alliance, owner of Mountain Goat Software. | |13 |John ResigVerified account | Creator of jQuery | |14 |Vaughn Vernon | Domain Driven Design expert | |15 |Evan You | Creator of Vue.js | |16 |Taylor Otwell | Creator of Laravel | |17 |Benjamin Pasero | Software engineer at Microsoft, VS Code Developer | |18 |Valentin Shergin | React Native Developer | |19 |Victor Savkin | Angualr Developer | |20 |Isaac Schlueter | npm Creator | |21 |Linus Torvalds | Linux Founder| |22 |Giovanni Bassi | MVP Microsoft BR | |23 |Leonardo Maldonado | Top 2 developerTrending (BR) | |24 |Ryan Dahl | Inventor of Node.js | |25 |Aaron Gable | Google Chrome Developer (BR) | |26 |Addy Osmani | Web & Chrome | |27 |Mohamed Said | Works with Taylor Otwell on Laravel | |28 |Quincy Larson | Teacher that started free code camp | |29 |Daniel Shiffman | Programmer / Former project lead with the Processing Foundation | |30 |Brad Traversy | Web Developer, Programmer | |31 |Jake Vanderplas | Python Data Science | —
10. Top Websites to Follow
- Data Science
[Data Science Courses: R & Python Analysis Tutorials DataCamp]( - CSE-109 - Harvard University
- CSE231N - Computer Vision Stanford University
- Developer Circles Data Resources
- Kaggle Learn
- Startup News and Stories
11. Additional Links :hamster:
- Top 10 Startup Incubator in India - Startup
- The first 20 hours – how to learn anything - Learning
- Are you Introvert? Watch this - Power of Introverts - Self Introspection
- 30 International Scholarships offered by the World’s Top Universities - Scholarships
- 30 Famous Books that You Will Regret Not Reading! - Reading
- Startup Ideas By Y Combinator - Startup
- Epicodus Coding Bootcamp Full Curriculum - Learning
- 5 most common misconceptions about studying abroad among Indians Study Abroad